With my 23rd birthday coming up I decided to do a blog post highlighting my 22nd year on this great Earth. Now while I am highlighting this past year, I have decided to not only write about the good-but the bad and the sad.
Because everything you do along your journey contributes to where you are going.
22 Reasons I loved 22

1. I excelled in my craft.
I was fortunate enough to attend KCACTF for the second time, this time for my work on Serpentine Pink where I was a finalist based on my prompt book and interview. Following that I attended SETC where I had more confidence in interviews (shoutout to Ben / Voice for the Stage) than I have ever had in my life. After that I attended USITT and was involved with SMMP- one of the highlights of my entire year. Not only did these opportunities allow me to learn more about stage management, but I met friends and mentors for life.
2. I saw some incredible theatre.
And I mean incredible theatre. I was fortunate enough to see Hamilton for my birthday and (no surprise) it was amazing. However, the show that really made my year was The Color Purple. I knew nothing about the story going into the show and it quite frankly changed my life. I honestly think Cynthia Erivo is more of a queen than Beyonce (no offense to Beyonce, but #sorrynotsorry). I also saw Something Rotten, Miss Saigon, Bandstand, and Beautiful and with each new show came the reminder of why I do what I do and where I want to get to in my career.
3. I graduated from the best university in the universe.
Now this one's hard because, yes that is quite the accomplishment, but it also meant leaving the best university in the universe. James Madison will always be a second home to me and I am so thankful for my friends and faculty that made my senior year incredible.
4. I discovered nature isn't that bad.
You still won't find me leading up any overnight camping trips anytime soon, but I have learned to appreciate the outdoors more. Especially the gorgeous Sacramento trees. Peep this (no filter) sunset on the night of the Tony Awards from a trip down to South Carolina.

5. I worked my first professional job.

And I learned about myself, my craft, and the people I want to work with. I feel beyond lucky to have such a positive experience for my first job out in "real world". The Go Round is a special place and boy oh boy does my heart happy just thinking about it.
6. I got my haircut somewhere new.

​NBD Chelsea, it's a haircut. Well NBD to you, but to me I've been going to the same hair salon for years. After one bad experience at a Hair Cuttery, I have always gone to the same salon at home. I would schedule haircuts for when I was home from college for breaks or for the summer. However, when I got to Sacramento my hair was desperately needing some help. And there was a nice salon literally across the street from my place of employment so on my first day off I booked an appointment. It was nice going somewhere new (even if it was out of my comfort zone) and my hairdresser (also named Chelsea) did a great job.
7. I went on some dates.
Now I've had Tinder and/or Bumble since the #Tiddlemown days when Dwornik and I would joke about Tinderella finding her Prince Charming. Now over the years, I have deleted/redownloaded these apps every few months, but had never, ever, ever actually met up with someone from the app because I thought it was super sketchy. But out here in Sacramento, it is just me and my 3 roommates (who are the other interns) and that's pretty much it. And as with any normal humans, we get bored/sick/annoyed with each other and want to meet new people. So I went on a couple dates. Little 21 year old Chelsea would rarely have gone on a date and never with a stranger. And they didn't completely suck. So go me🎉
PS. I also asked a boy to formal. Who says the boys have to be in charge?
8. I crushed really hard.
See #7. You ask for a match, I'll give you a wildfire. I don't know how to love small.

9. I finally got my drivers license.
Most "normal" people get their learners permit when they are 15 and their drivers license when they are 16. But I am anything but ordinary so I finally got my license this summer at the bright and chipper young age of 22 years old. Driving still gives me anxiety (especially when there is a marathon or frankly anything going on) that messes up my route. I walk to work most of the time unless I have rehearsal offsite (which even still I will walk home and get my car on my lunch break). But hey, I can drive if I have to so shoutout to this job for finally forcing me to overcome this fear.
10. I cut out some toxic people.
I have had some pretty incredible people come into my life. But I've also had a lot of really bad ones. And I have always been one to hold on to both. I have so much love for the people I know and I always hope, no matter how toxic they are, they have the capacity to change. However, I have come to find it isn't always the case. I cannot waste my energy and heart on someone who only returns negative energy and causes so much anxiety in my life. It only lessens my relationships with people who do care and love me just as much as I love them. I still have hope for them & wish them the best, but have decided to move on with my life.

11. I moved across the country.
And it has been a rollercoaster. There are days where I love California, the warmer weather, and how incredibly diverse it is. But then there are days were I just want to cuddle up and cry because I miss home, my friends, and my family so much. Sometimes I forget I am out here and it'll hit me, "Like, holy moly, did I really just move across the ENTIRE COUNTRY a few months after graduation?". It blows my mind on the regular.
12. I read some great books.

Not as many as I would have liked. But Small Great Things was hands down the best one out of all of them. Here's to reading more in year 23.
13. I went on more adventures as the three musketeers.
Carson, Christina, and Chelsea. Like any good trio we've had our ups and downs. But I'd like to see you try and name a more iconic trio.
14. I traveled.
Hate flying. Hate driving. Really the actual traveling part just stresses me out. But I love the destinations.
15. I built some things.
Reupholstering chairs, putting together some benches, painting some fruit. My props master skills are increasing constantly here in Sacramento. Check out this post to learn more: http://jankecm.wixsite.com/tipsytheatretraveler/single-post/2017/11/19/Plays-Power-Tools-and-the-Front-Page
16. I drank more coffee.
Self explanatory. But I enjoyed every moment of it.
17. I found a purpose for my blog,
And look, now you are reading it. Feels amazing finally having a focus for my writing.
18. I fell in love with journaling.
This started in voice for the stage, but has continued through my final semester and post graduation. It releases a whole lot of stress and it helps me organize my thoughts.
19. I discovered who truly will be a friend for life.
If or when I get married, I know who my bridesmaids will be. And that to me is mind.blowing. I can't thank my best friends enough for always having my back and for being ready to throw punches at anyone who treats me poorly.
20. I sobbed.
Mostly watching This is Us. Because that show gets me every single time. S/O to Carson for introducing me and Christina to it instead of us going out one night.
21. I finished Gilmore Girls
This show was a commitment. And a long one. My mom and I are Rory and Lorelei to a tee. And I'm happy with the way the reboot ended after looking up theories on the show (WARNING SPOILERS). The baby is Logan's. But Rory ends up with Jess. Plain and simple. Fight me on it. #TeamJess4ever
22. I laughed harder.

Honestly nobody makes me laugh harder than my family. Thankful for their love and support always and cannot wait to be reunited with them so soon.
Thanks to everyone who made this year incredible as well as challenging. Here's to 23 🎉 Looking forward to sharing my goals for 23 with you all soon!
Much love always,