Hello my beautiful readers and happy Travel Tuesday!
It has been a busy weekend here in New Haven as I spent almost all of it in my first official tech weekend here at Long Wharf Theatre for Paradise Blue.
A brief snippet for those who may be confused: Long Wharf has two production assistants (the other PA is Gracie - she is amazing and also my roommate #ThePAlace) who work the entire season. One is the main PA who stays with the show through performances. The other PA then assists in rehearsals as needed, acts as the tech runner during tech (assisting with shuttles/being on book,etc. ), and then moves on to pre-production for the next show once we make it to opening. Gracie and I alternate who the “main PA” is each and every show so this is my first official tech week here on deck/backstage. So hooray.
Anyways this was my first official tech here AND my first official tech for a show with automation. So needless to say I’ve had a #bitofaweekend. But a wonderful weekend spent learning a bunch of new stuff and with a bunch of awesome people.
Then I spent my Monday morning sleeping in a little before making some lemon poppyseed muffins and drinking some french pressed coffee while working on a little blogging.

Originally I was planning on going to Lighthouse Point Park on my Monday afternoon off. But after some research I found out they had started their 24th Annual Festival of Lights which was from 5:00-9:00 PM Sunday-Thursday (& 5:00-10:00 PM Friday and Saturday). With the cost being a mere $10 per car, we decided to postpone our adventure to later that evening.
And normally I'm a -let Thanksgiving have it's moment -type of gal, but it was to good of timing to pass up and I figured the week of was close enough.
We hopped in the car, grabbed a little snack from McDonalds, turned on some Christmas tunes, and made our way through the park. They had 3D glasses (for $2.00 extra) that made it look like little Santas when you looked at the light. So of course we splurged (#heybigspender) and got a pair to share.
The event was put on by a local Goodwill and each of the lighting displays was sponsored by a different group. It was really neat seeing how many different organizations were involved in this event!
(Photo Credit: Jeremy Johnson)
Following that we hit up my favorite New Haven spot, Barracuda. I ordered my normal chorizo Mac and Cheese because it's incredible and mac & cheese is bae honestly.
Overall, it was a beautiful day off and a perfect way to kick off my favorite time of year. I cannot wait to return to this beautiful lighthouse when the weather is warmer and the sun is out!

"I will trust the promise you will carry me safe to the shore."
The rest of the week is jammed pack finishing tech week and starting previews.
Not to mention Thanksgiving is THIS Thursday. Like how did we get here so fast? I’ll be driving to NY on Wednesday night to spend all of Thursday with my family! After spending last Thanksgiving across the country, I’m pumped to spend one of my favorite holidays with my family again.

I hope everyone has a lovely week, spent warm & cozy and with people they love. My next blog post is already written and will be shared on Thursday evening! Be sure to check it out while cozied up on your couch!
PS. Have you signed up to be a part of my email list? It just started this week and it is growing quick! Get a sneak peek at upcoming blog posts, travel tips, career advice, and a little motivation to start your week off on the right foot!
Send me an Instagram or Facebook message with your email and I’ll get you signed up before next week's email comes out!
Much love always,